Drywall is UP!

The office really looks nice and you can "feel" the space we will have now that the walls are up. There is still much work to be done, but much has been accomplished in the past few weeks.
It is exciting to watch our dreams become a reality and know that we will all appreciate the office more after putting in the hours to get it ready.
So many have volunteered countless hours to make the office the nicest it can be. It is a joy to work with these humble servants of the Lord. They are using the talents and time God has done so that we can continue to do the work of the ministry.
We will continue to post updates as the taping, texturing, painting, ceilings, lighting/electricity, plumbing, trim, and moving are still ahead of us. We ask that you continue to pray for our strength, safety, and funding as we continue to work on the new building.
To all who have worked, to all who have prayed, to all who have contributed, and all who are friends of Kids 4 Truth a HUGE thank you! for your part in the Kids 4 Truth Ministry. We praise the Lord for you, and praise the LORD for what He has done. We look forward to seeing this project finished to the Glory of God.

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