A Family Together!

So...meet our newest "family" member: Erika Elizabeth Gillen! Rob and Julie are being blessed with the privilege of adding Erika Elizabeth to their family. This week they have the awesome experience of visiting her and holding her for the first time. Even though I have had the privilege of holding each of my children for the first time right after they were born, I don't believe I will ever truly grasp how it must feel to hold the child you have chosen to adopt into your family for the first time. What a marvelous blessing it is that God allows some of us to have children naturally and others to be able to adopt children who have no home. What a wonderful example of God's unconditional love for us when any of us add children to our home. We love our children unconditionally just as God loves us unconditionally.
Rob and Julie...we rejoice with you. We shed tears of grateful praise and blessings to God for the great gift He is giving to you. May God continue to richly bless you as you raise Erika Eliabeth to serve Him. She has a wonderful gift from God of parents who are His true servants.

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