Paul Graduates as Salutatorian!

Yesterday Paul graduated Tri-City Christian school as Salutatorian! We are very proud of his accomplishments. However, we are more excited over the award he received on Friday night during the awards ceremony. Paul received the Servant Spirit Award. This award is presented to the Junior or Senior that displays the most Christ-like servant spirit. Rusty and I want our children to be servants of Christ...whether it is in full-time or as a layman all of us should be servants of Christ FULL TIME.
We are told that the difference between Salutatorian and Valivictorian was hundreths of a point apart...which is amazing for all the activities Paul has been involved in. Paul has worked two jobs: Sonic and Kids 4 Truth Intern, been involved in school as varsity basketball manager, Tri-Citians, Bible Quizzing, Choir, Band, Handbells, MAACS fine Arts competitions such as acedemic testing in advanced math, english, and physics, Art: regional calligraphy piece (yes, his cousin beat him this year), computer testing, computer Graphic testing, and Handbell ensemble. This year he placed in several areas on the regional level. On the national level he placed in several group activities including Tri-Citians taking 1st place in the nation for vocal ensemble. Paul has had a full highschool career.
Paul's plans for the future include going to BJU this fall and majoring in Information Systems Management (computers) and minor in business. He would like to work in the ministry full-time in the future in the field of computers and graphic art.
This summer Paul will continue to work at sonic and for Kids 4 Truth as an intern. He will continue to work with Kids 4 Truth to get the curriculum into several Bible versions (KJV, NASB, ESV, and NKJV).
Paul, we are very proud of you and your love for the Lord. You have a submissive spirit not only to your parents but especially to your Lord. Your desire to serve the Lord using the talents God has given you brings glory to God and pleasure to your parents.
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