December 29, 2005 the family visits the church where Russell & Debbie minister in Reynosa, Mexico.
We returned home 7:20AM on 12-31-05 after a much needed vacation in Mission, TX. We enjoyed spending Christmas vacation with my parents, Ron & Arrena Raymer, and my brother & sister-in-law and daughter, Russell & Debbie and Carena. We had a wonderful time relaxing, playing games, playing music, visiting Mexico, seeing Christmas lights, and just being together. We never imagined swimming on Christmas Day! but we did:-)
Later, I will post some of Paul's senior pictures. We are very grateful to Russell for taking about 150 pictures of Paul for his senior pictures. He did an outstanding job and we are very pleased with the photos. We are picking our favorites and will post them shortly.
I took a break from our vacation and was able to conduct training for a church in Mission, TX on Monday night, December 26. It was a great time with a church who has been using Kids 4 Truth Clubs for the past month.
We went into Mexico twice. The first time was on Tuesday - Dad & Mom, Russell & Debbie and Carena, Our family -- all 7 of us!, and the Meyer family. We enjoyed shopping in Progresso, Mexico. We returned to Mexico on Thursday. This time it was Russell & Debbie and Carena, Renae & Tina and Lukas, Maria, and our family. Russell showed us the church they minister with and then we went shopping. This time we went to Reynosa, Mexico and we got to see a different side of Mexico. I believe we are all more grateful to God for the blessings He has given to us in the United States. We are rich compared to our friends in Mexico.
Thursday night, Dec. 29 was a special night. We found out that Dad and Mom (
www.raymerstudio.com) were playing a show at Tip O' Texas. So we decided to stay and go with them. They invited Paul to play three songs with them, and it was special to see him play with his grandparents.
Friday morning, Dec. 30 at 10am we left for home. It was a long 22 hour trip home, but the kids all travel well. We praise the Lord that our children get along so well together.
Saturday night, Dec. 31 we saw the new year in with our good friends the Joiners and Farrells. We have been blessed to have this as an annual event the past 4-5 years. This year the Joiners hosted the event since we were just returning from Texas - I greatly appreciated their kindness in hosting this year.
Monday, Jan. 2, we spent the afternoon with Dave & Jen and family. It was great to be together and allow the kids to play as they are all close cousins (both in age and friendship). David will report into Whiteman AFB tomorrow as he has once again been called up to active service.
Although Paul and I saw Ron's family right before we left town, we will not be able to get together with them. Ron & Lisa and family are on "an extended vacation" to South Carolina while Ron is working there. They plan to put their house on the market within the next month, and Lord willing, it will sell quickly so that they can get a place of their own in South Carolina where he is currently working.
We wish you all a happy New Year. This year we plan to focus more on our family. As our family grows and matures it seems we all get busier and busier. Both Paul and Tim work part-time jobs. Paul also puts in hours for Kids 4 Truth as an intern - so he keeps very busy.