Tuesday, February 20, 2007

We have signage!

The Kids 4 Truth Team is excited to announce that our building now has signage. Now our friends, neighbors, and those looking for our building can find us.
We look forward to adding the finishing touches to the building within the next couple weeks. These touches include an awning, front lights, street number, and mailbox.
Rejoice with us as we rejoice in what God is doing in, through, and for the Kids 4 Truth Ministry!


Monday, February 12, 2007

Happy 13th Birthday, Andrew!

I can hardly believe that we now have 4 "teenage" boys between the ages of 13 and 18....(and one daughter that is 10!)

Today, Andrew turned 13...and we celebrated his birthday tonight with his favorite dinner (Green Rice Casserole - aka broccoli casserole - brisket and home made baking powder biscuits.

Andrew is a lovable "teddy bear" who would never hurt anyone. He goes out of his way to take care of those who are hurting and has always watched over others. He is a whiz when it comes to computer games as he has excellent hand/eye coordination.

Andrew loves minister to children through the puppet ministry and VBS programs. He had the opportunity this past summer to help his grandparents in two different VBS programs at churches as well as had a role in the skits at the VBS program at our church.

Currently Andrew is teaching himself to juggle.

Happy Birthday, Andrew! May you bring Honor and Glory to our Lord and Savior in all that you do and say.