Saturday, January 09, 2010

Paul moves out on his own

The new year has started with new beginnings for the Ralph family. Paul completed his degree requirements at BJU on December 17th and is now a college graduate (he will walk in the graduation ceremony in May). We are so thankful to God for clearly directing Paul where he should work and live. We have absolutely no doubt that Paul is where God wants him to be. On December 18th Paul accepted a position with Answers in Genesis at the Creation Museum doing IT work. His title is Solutions Developer. On his trip home from BJU Paul stopped in KY to find an apartment and signed a lease at Sanctuary Place Apartments for a nice 2 bedroom apartment.

Between December 18th and January 5 we had a graduation party, Christmas, Christmas with Jen's family, New Year's Eve Annual Party, and packed all of Paul's belongings and painted furniture that was given to Paul.

It has been awesome to watch God provide for Paul's needs. Everything that Paul has for his apartment was given to him. These items came from family, friends, and One of the concerns Paul had was the need for a bed. We watched God provide a "like-new" queen size mattress, boxsprings, and bedframe at no cost to Paul. Close friends gave Paul a couch and loveseat, and other friends gave towels, shower curtain, dishes, and monitary gifts.

I have posted a photo albumn on FaceBook for those who would like to see photos of Paul's apartment.

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