Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Temporary Occapancy Permit!

Today was the big day for the final inspection. We received a temporary occapancy permit and will receive final approval once the kitchenette has cabinet door fronts and we have a sign on the door stating that the door should remain unlocked during business hours.

After church tonight, Mike, will lay the carpet in Julie's office and piece in carpet where the countertop used to be in my office. Final touch-up of the paint was being done this afternoon.

We plan to move in next week. We are currently working on getting internet service - the cable companies are trying to decide whose territory we are in, working on stopping a small leak, installing the carpet, and cleaning the existing carpet.

Most of the current office is in boxes. So please remember Julie and I in your prayers that we will have patience and endurance to do our jobs as finding things sometimes takes a little time and patience right now. We praise the Lord for the work of volunteers over the past couple days to box up much of what is in the current office.

Monday, March 27, 2006

We passed! One more inspection!

The finish line is even closer as I was just informed that we passed our over the ceiling inspection.

We plan to finish the final projects (ceiling tile and kitchenette) this evening. Then we should be ready for final inspection.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

The finish line approaches!

Almost there! This Saturday was a big work day. We had many hands involved in many of the finishing touches this weekend.

Our electrician finished the electrical work...someone even donated brand new lights to the office! That was a huge blessing and praise.

We worked to install the door handles, outlet covers, quarter round molding, blinds, heating coils, worked on the kitchenette, and many other projects that needed to be done before the final two inspections.

We praise the Lord for those who were able to come by and help this weekend. We had no less than 14 people helping this week alone!

Tomorrow we hope to pass the over the ceiling inspection. Tomorrow night we will install ceiling tile and finish the plumbing on the kitchenette and a couple other things that need finishing before we can pass final inspection. We will then call for final inspection.

It is exciting to be to this place. Please continue to pray as we finish this project. Pray that God continues to bless this work and ministry with the workers and funding needed to finish the task. Pray as we continue to work during the day on curriculum, training materials, and talk to churches who are considering using the Kids 4 Truth Curriculum. Pray that the move and transition into the new office will go smoothly, safely, and quickly. Posted by Picasa

Take it to MAACS!

Well, I have to say that I am glad that MAACS (Mid America Association of Christian Schools) Regional competition is over with. It is always a stressful time of the year for us.

Last week Andrew participated in band, choir, and academics for the elementary MAACS regional competition.

This Thursday and Friday, Paul, Timothy, and Peter all competed. I have lost track of every area the three of them competed in. Peter was in topical preaching, Bible Quizzing, and choir. Timothy competed in handbells, choir, Bible Teaching, and Bible Quizzing. Paul was in academic testing, art (calligraphy), desktop publishing, Bible Quizzing, handbells, choir, band, and two ensembles.

Needless to say, the children are glad for spring break this week and so am I. Then Paul will go on the Tri-Citians tour. He and Tim will both go to Nationals the week of their birthdays. So both boys will be away for their 18th and 16th birthdays....Hey! would someone at BJU please make sure they get at least an icecream cone for their birthday! Posted by Picasa

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Rusty with his dream erector set!

Today we worked in the office:-) Rusty installed the sink and toilet and then assembled the ceiling grid with Bob's and my help.

Bob's parents did various jobs around the office as we all worked together finishing some of the jobs that were started this week but needed finishing.

Please pray as we continue to move ahead toward completion of this project.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Work continues

Today work continued on the office. Ryan did a beautiful job trimming out the office. In fact, we were told that a man came by and offered Ryan a trimming job! Great work Ryan!

We still have much work to do. Tomorrow we will continue the tasks begun this week.

Please pray for Gary and Ryan as they drive home tonight.Posted by Picasa

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Coming together!

We have watched the project come so far, but yet there is still so much to do.

Last night Gary and Ryan Leffler came to town to help with some of the work that remains. Today they worked with Ralph Roberts and Darrell Morris to begin trim work, hanging doors, and installing the ceiling grid. We praise the Lord for the work these men accomplished today. They will continue the job tomorrow.

Please pray as we all continue to work together to get the job done and get moved into the new office. Pray that the last two inspections go well.
Thank you guys for your hard work! Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Wow! Look, we have PAINTED walls!

Things continue to move ahead. Today Dave Welshans painted the walls in the office. The walls look absolutely wonderful! Great job!

For those who would like to know the colors of our walls we used the following Ralph Lauren colors:
Bob's & Julie's offices: NA69 - light taupe
My office: NA65 - medium taupe
Bathroom: VM173 - dusty plum

Tomorrow Dave will paint the doors and trim. The walls will look great with the white doors, cabinets, and trim.

Gary is coming in town to help this week. He plans to help with many of the finishing touches we have yet to do. We appreciate his heart and willingness to take of his time and energy to help with this project.

 Posted by Picasa

Monday, March 13, 2006

Priming done...on to painting!

Julie, Arrena, and I went over to the office after school today. The office is now completely primed and ready for painting. It looks great now, but we can't wait to see the paint we choose on the walls. So....I imagine that another trip is in order for tomorrow:-)

It is exciting to see the project nearing completion. Posted by Picasa

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Open House - May 6 (12-4 pm)

You are invited to attend the Kids 4 Truth open house at our new office on Saturday, May 6 from 12 to 4 pm. We invite everyone to join us in a celebration over what God has done and how God is using Kids 4 Truth International.

Ready to paint!

Today Jeff Campa and Chad Christensen textured the walls in the office. They used process called "knockdown" and the walls are very nicely textured. We praise the Lord that the Jeff and the Christensen's own the sprayers and have done this professionally many times. What a blessing this is and what a wonderful touch to the new office.

Next week, Dave Welshans will paint the walls and the men will hang the ceiling grids and lights.

We still have several steps including painting, ceiling grid, electrical finish, trim, plumbing, and installing the ceiling tiles. During this process we have 2 inspections to above the ceiling inspection and I believe the final inspection for permission to occupy.

Please continue to pray that we will be able to move in the last week of the month. It will be spring break here and that means extra hands will be available for the move. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

New Office Update

Things at the new office continue to move ahead. It is coming together and getting closer to move-in day every day.

Last night Bob C. finished mudding the wall. He will go back later this week and finish sanding the wall. I am told that the walls and ceilings will be textured on Saturday. Rob and Brian Bear have been able to finish firewall, so it is ready for the firewall inspection.

Painting will begin on Monday, and once again like everything else God has provided a professional to volunteer his time and services. We praise the Lord for how He has provided the people to do the work of this project.

Next, the men will begin the grid work for the ceiling, finish the plumbing, work on trimming out the office, install the flooring, finish the electrical work & lights, and install the ceiling tiles. We have two more inspections which will take place between now and the time we can move in.

We are pressing ahead and look forward to updating you next week with photos as the office looks the same as the photos last week. If all goes well we will plan to move in the end of the month.

On May 6th we will celebrate our move with an Open House. We invite everyone to attend! Come, Rejoice with us over what God has done.

A Family Together!

Some of our closest friends are the Kids 4 Truth Team Members. I guess when you share a vision and goal it is only natural that you gravitate towards each other. You rejoice when they rejoice, weep when they weep, and pray when they pray. It seems as though we all become one big happy family:-) and we like it that way! our newest "family" member: Erika Elizabeth Gillen! Rob and Julie are being blessed with the privilege of adding Erika Elizabeth to their family. This week they have the awesome experience of visiting her and holding her for the first time. Even though I have had the privilege of holding each of my children for the first time right after they were born, I don't believe I will ever truly grasp how it must feel to hold the child you have chosen to adopt into your family for the first time. What a marvelous blessing it is that God allows some of us to have children naturally and others to be able to adopt children who have no home. What a wonderful example of God's unconditional love for us when any of us add children to our home. We love our children unconditionally just as God loves us unconditionally.

Rob and Julie...we rejoice with you. We shed tears of grateful praise and blessings to God for the great gift He is giving to you. May God continue to richly bless you as you raise Erika Eliabeth to serve Him. She has a wonderful gift from God of parents who are His true servants. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

2005 Kids 4 Truth Award

Meet Carrie! Carrie is the winner of the 2005 Kids 4 Truth Award at Tri-City Ministries. We were finally able to present to her the sword she earned for being the top 6th grader last curriculum year. Carrie not only finished her TruthBook but also memorized over 240 bonus questions and answers. Carrie kept both Bob and me busy providing her with the bonus questions and answers. She showed enthusiasm and a zeal for learning the Kids 4 Truth curriculum.

Carrie, you are a blessing and encouragement to us not only with your sweet attitude and love for God, but also with your love and zeal to learn God's Word through the Kids 4 Truth curriculum. Posted by Picasa

Bob presents K4T to TC

Tonight Bob was able to present K4T to Tri-City Ministries, update the church on where we are at, thank the church for allowing us to lease offices in the past, and announce to the church that we are relocating our offices. We praise the Lord for the service in which we could do this.

Bob did an excellent job telling where we have been, what we are doing, where we are now, and why we believe teaching doctrine to children is important.

We praise the Lord for the work He has allowed us to do. We praise the Lord for the team He has put together to do the work of the ministry. We praise the Lord for HUGE part Tri-City ministries has had in the start up of Kids 4 Truth. We praise the Lord for all of the churches He has burdened to use Kids 4 Truth materials. Posted by Picasa

Joy visits the new office

After being away for almost 2 months, Joy came into town today. We had a "girls lunch out" and then went to the new office to show Joy the progress that has been made.

Life is always fun when Joy is around...and she proved it once again today as she left notes on Julie's floor.

Welcome back to the K4T Headquarters, Joy! We LOVE having you around:-) Posted by Picasa