Sunday, May 28, 2006

Paul Graduates as Salutatorian!

Yesterday Paul graduated Tri-City Christian school as Salutatorian! We are very proud of his accomplishments. However, we are more excited over the award he received on Friday night during the awards ceremony. Paul received the Servant Spirit Award. This award is presented to the Junior or Senior that displays the most Christ-like servant spirit. Rusty and I want our children to be servants of Christ...whether it is in full-time or as a layman all of us should be servants of Christ FULL TIME.

We are told that the difference between Salutatorian and Valivictorian was hundreths of a point apart...which is amazing for all the activities Paul has been involved in. Paul has worked two jobs: Sonic and Kids 4 Truth Intern, been involved in school as varsity basketball manager, Tri-Citians, Bible Quizzing, Choir, Band, Handbells, MAACS fine Arts competitions such as acedemic testing in advanced math, english, and physics, Art: regional calligraphy piece (yes, his cousin beat him this year), computer testing, computer Graphic testing, and Handbell ensemble. This year he placed in several areas on the regional level. On the national level he placed in several group activities including Tri-Citians taking 1st place in the nation for vocal ensemble. Paul has had a full highschool career.

Paul's plans for the future include going to BJU this fall and majoring in Information Systems Management (computers) and minor in business. He would like to work in the ministry full-time in the future in the field of computers and graphic art.

This summer Paul will continue to work at sonic and for Kids 4 Truth as an intern. He will continue to work with Kids 4 Truth to get the curriculum into several Bible versions (KJV, NASB, ESV, and NKJV).

Paul, we are very proud of you and your love for the Lord. You have a submissive spirit not only to your parents but especially to your Lord. Your desire to serve the Lord using the talents God has given you brings glory to God and pleasure to your parents.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

A Mother's Day...picture perfect.

Saturday, we were finishing up some Mother's Day gifts for our mothers. I wanted some new photos of the children to put with the gifts...Arrena Jeanette gave us a couple of Picture Perfect least for the look/feel I wanted.

To our mothers...Thank you for the example you are to us. Thank you for not only your love for us, but also your love for our Lord. Thank you for your generosity, caring, understanding, patience, endurance, and unconditional love.

Have a wonderful Mother's Day! We love you!

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Paul's final High School Concert

Well, the school year is closing out. Tuesday night we attended the High School Spring Concert. It is, of course, Paul's final High School program/concert. Pictured here you can see the senior high choir. Paul is the third guy on the right on the top row, and Timothy is the first guy on the right on the front row.

Our guys were in several things:
Paul: Sr. High Band, Sr. High Handbell Choir, Sr. High Handbell Ensemble, Senior High Choir, and Tri-Citians.
Timothy: Sr. High Handbell Choir and Senior High Choir.
Peter: Junior High Choir

Great Job Guys! Posted by Picasa

"I can see"

A little over a month ago...Andrew came to me and told he was having difficulties seeing in class. Andrew rarely complains and asks for things, so I decided I had better get him into the eye doctor. Of course, then he tells me that he has to get up from his chair in class to see the white board...I think "this kid is blind." Well, sure enough it was verified as I watched him take his eye exam. While he is not as bad as Paul - who can't even read the big "E" on the eye chart - he cannot read words at 20/70! So...glasses it is!

Andrew wanted one thing for his glasses. He wanted RED glasses. Yes, I said RED. Of course, my new glasses are red so I told him he just wanted to match his momma!

So...we thought you would like to see the boy who can now see the pictures across the room. Posted by Picasa

K4T Year End Awards Night - Eagle Heights

Last night we had the privilege of attending the Kids 4 Truth Year End Awards Night at Eagle Heights. It is a joy and blessing to get to watch the children receive an award for the work they did all year. Bob delivered a message on Psalm 78, how the children earned these awards, and a taste of what is coming soon with K4T.

One of the joys of being in the ministry is the people you run into who are serving the Lord. Pictured here are several people who are "special" to me. In the top right photo is a woman, Karen, who my husband rode to college with the first year or two he was at BJU...she is one of the small group leaders at Eagle Heights. Her daughter is the second on on the right in the bottom left photo. Her daughter won the "Diamond Award" which means she earned every award possible for her TruthBook this year.

Finally, the young lady on the bottom right is the daughter of a friend of mine. Her mother, Crystal, went to TCCS with me from 5th to 8th grade. We were very good friends back then. She, of course, is now married with three children who are all in the Kids 4 Truth program at Eagle Heights. Her daughter won the "Gold Award" and is proudly displaying her Kids 4 Truth Gold Year End Pin on her standard. Crystal and her husband work in the Kids 4 Truth Program at Eagle Heights as well. She works with one of the small groups and her husband is in charge of the GYM time.

To those at Eagle Heights: Thank you for inviting us to attend your special night. We are pleased with the progress your children has made and the great work you are doing with your club. We love visiting your club! Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Julie moves in!

Julie has "officially" moved into the office. Last week Bob and his dad made several trips to the office with the inventory. This weekend, because of a donation, Rob and Julie were able to purchase some shelving and storage bins for some of the inventory. As you can tell the space is filling up real quickly. Therefore, we are praying for another donation so that we can purchase the remainder of the shelves we need to finish the job.

This month we expect to receive the year-end award pins and certificates and next month we will begin receiving supplies for this fall. This includes 6000 standards, many award patches, and the new TruthBooks. Therefore, the need for storage is vital as we will need a place to put all of the inventory.

We praise the Lord for how He continue to provide for the needs of Kids 4 Truth. It is a blessing to watch God provide for His ministry.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Arrena plays in Honors Concert

On Saturday, April 29, Arrena played in an Honors Concert that her piano teacher had for her students. She played in a double piano duet (4 people playing the same piano duet at the same time on two pianos). She had the privilege of playing with her teacher and her daughter, Ann & Ashley King, and a friend from school, Becca Codemo.

Shown here you see Arrena & Ashley on one piano and Ann & Becca on the other piano. They did a very good job and we are proud of them.

Great work ladies! Posted by Picasa