New Door and Windows

We are making progress on the outside of the building. Tuesday, September 19 was a noisey one around the office as we received our new door and windows.
Our next steps will be the electrician for the outdoor lighting and the stucco. It is exciting to watch everything come together to make this building a sharp representation of our ministry.
Bob mentioned in his blog that the best changes happen from the inside out. I have thought about this statement over and over for the past few weeks...and it is very true. In our Christian we allow the Lord to change us - change our heart, mind, thoughts, and actions - we become more pleasing and beautiful. I am not speaking of an outward beauty but of the inward beauty. However, how often does that inward beauty reflect on the outside...we begin to smile more, we are at peace with God and others, the worry and concern that showed upon our face before...has changed to a peace and contentment. I know that I want my life to reflect Christ in it...from the inside out!
Hi, Marrena! One day I hope our church has enough workers for K4T. Right now I have 20 children on Wednesdays and am alone. But one day soon--maybe in a few months? maybe one year?--we will be able to join K4T. Thank you for everything. Your sister-in-law's sister. :)
Hi Karen!
It has been awhile since we have talked. We would love to have your church join K4T. K4T will run with as few as 2-3 let me know when you have a couple helpers and I will show you how it can work for your church.
Your children are beautiful! I have seen photos with Carena Sofia.
Have a great day! Marrena
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