I had a joy and privilege this evening that I am sure is very rare that I would like to share with you…
Tonight I have had the blessing to watch as TCCS elementary children have presented a program called “Thy Word is Truth”. This is a program that Cynthia Simmons wrote using the Kids 4 Truth Curriculum and Songs (
http://equipu.kids4truth.com/blogs/clubsblog/archive/2007/05/08/Kids-4-Truth-Program.aspx). I was literally been in tears as I listened to children quote the curriculum and sing the songs not for a program, but to the Glory of God. Listening to the children sing out loud and clear the songs has been a blessing. You should have heard the 1st & 2nd graders sing One in Three and To Be Like Jesus…would have brought tears to your eyes.
Cynthia shared a few notes with me regarding this program:
"I enjoy teaching the children the Kids 4 Truth songs. I feel like I am teaching them something eternal. They are learning Bible doctrine when they learn the songs, and that makes me feel good.
One of the major dilemmas in teaching music is coming to the balance between preparing for concerts and still having enough time to adequately teach the necessary musical concepts in the curriculum. With only two, thirty-minute time periods a week, it seems like an impossible task. As I was preparing for the Spring Concert using the Kids4Truth music, I was able to use the songs to reinforce my curriculum and continue teaching the required musical concepts for grade levels. I did this mostly in the 3rd through 6th grades. In 3rd grade we begin introducing the concept of harmony singing with rounds, so “Your Word is Truth” worked great. Also some of the songs are two-part or include descant and this reinforced skills I was teaching 5th and 6th grade. We have been analyzing form and so were able to do that with several of the songs. “And Yet God Loved Us” was particularly nice for this because it is an ABA form with a major-minor-major composition. We were also able to examine key signatures and meters and thus continue teaching as well as learning good principles of choral singing and great Bible truths.
...I had one little boy in 3rd grade say last week, 'Mrs. Simmons I feel happy when we are singing these songs.' We were singing “Thy Word is True” and I explained to him it was based on several Bible verses and truths and he was singing Scripture and that was what made his heart glad."
A special thank you to Mrs. Simmons for putting together this program and to the elementary students and teachers at Tri-City for doing an awesome job presenting this program to the Glory of God.
I had more than one parent catch me after the service asking how they could get ahold of the music - especially a cd with children singing all twelve of the Kids 4 Truth songs. At this time we have two CDs available with the Kids 4 Truth music.
- Kids 4 Truth Music CD - includes the first 6 Kids 4 Truth original songs - CD includes tracks for each song with vocals, and with just piano to use for accompaniment(http://store.kids4truth.com/detail.aspx?ID=276).
- Kids 4 Truth Piano Accompaniment CD - Includes piano accompaniment for all 12 K4T songs (http://store.kids4truth.com/detail.aspx?ID=298).

The Kids 4 Truth Music Book is available at: http://store.kids4truth.com/detail.aspx?ID=311.
The Kids 4 Truth Staff are currently raising funds to do a CD recording of all twelve of the Kids 4 Truth songs sung by a professional children's choir. If you are interested in donating toward this project please contact: payments@kids4truth.com. We would be more than happy to tell you more about this project.