God provides...
But you know, God ALWAYS takes care of His children. The Fiero went out the night of the TCCS back to school retreat. Rusty was going to the church to pick up Peter when the car lost all power on the road across from the church. Timothy called Rusty to find out where he was and when he found out he was across from the church he grabbed Peter and four friends and they pushed the Fiero up the hill and when the light turned green they pushed him across the street. Then one of the young men got his SUV and pulled the Fiero into a parking spot right under the lights where it would be safe. How good of God to allow the car to breakdown right across the street from church instead of along the road to Liberty. So, Rusty has had the Fiero in pieces in our garage since Labor Day. He is repairing the engine of the car, and had hopes of getting it back together by the first part of this week.
Well...like I said, when it rains it pours:-) And, yesterday I received a call from Rusty. First of all, he asked me how I was feeling as the doctor had ordered me to bed until Monday because of a severe infection and bronchitis. And then he asked "Want to go car shopping tomorrow?" And...I was on my way to Liberty to pick Rusty up and look for a new car.
It seems as though Rusty was on the way home and the car started acting funny. He thought he would pull over at one of the district's buildings while he looked it over. Well...it was amazing to hear him tell the story of how he coasted up to the stoplight and then into the driveway which was downhill and coasted right into a parking spot. He said a friend came out and helped his assess the situation. They found out that the timing belt had broke on the car...which requires pulling the engine to fix. Something he just doesn't have the time to get done this weekend. We simply cannot get by with one car next week.
So...Rusty decided with the ages of our cars it was time to get another car in the family. So today, we went out and purchased another car.
We still plan to fix the Fiero and the GEO. Please pray that Rusty is able to get these on the road soon. With four (soon to be five) drivers in the family, three active teenagers and one college student, a elementary child, and two full time jobs it is important for us to have dependable transportation.