Thursday, November 23, 2006

Thanksgiving Surprise!

I went to bed on Tuesday evening suffering from the start of a mild flu bug...I awoke on Wednesday still feeling ill and having suffered from a headache all night, and told Rusty he would need to get the kids off for school and promptly took 4 ibuprofrin and a migraine tablet and headed back to bed. As Rusty began getting up and ready I heard the front door open and wondered who was going outside...I heard the door again and decided to get up and check it out.

As I walked down the hall I saw Timothy say something to someone who ducked into the kitchen. Thinking that Jarid had dropped by after work (knowing he was to come over before noon I thought maybe he wanted to see Tim before school) I walked into the kitchen to say hello...and was greeted by PAUL!

Yes, Paul totally surprised us all by planning to come home for Thanksgiving. The only person in the family he told was Timothy...and that was to make sure he let him into the house and had his bed cleaned off!

It has been wonderful to enjoy talking with Paul and having him home for a few days. (well, 2 so far.) He returns to school on Monday, but it has been great to see him.

Oh yes, much to the disagreement of others...I will not believe that BJU food is as bad as it sounds....Paul seems to be picking up weight just fine on it! I think he has also grown taller by a couple inches!

Welcome Home Paul! Thank you for the great surprise! I will enjoy our traditional after thanksgiving shopping trip in the morning.

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