Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

We have enjoyed having everyone home for the Christmas season. Both Rusty and I are off work and enjoying extra time playing games and watching old movies with the kids. Rusty even brought home a projector so last night we watched Going My Way on a large sheet spread across the fire place.
Paul is home from his freshman year at BJU. He had a wonderful but busy semester. He enjoys college and his course work. He works in the Kids 4 Truth Club at Hampton Park in Greenville, and is in his society's choir that sings at area churches. He rejoices in the opportunity he has to continue to work as an intern for Kids 4 Truth and that is keeping him busy while at home during this break.
Timothy is keeping busy with his Junior year at TCCS. He is also working as an intern for Kids 4 Truth. This month he was able to take a trip to Greenwood, IA to minister at Bible Baptist church with Bob Roberts. He enjoyed traveling and visting with Bob and the time he was at the church there. He really enjoyed the youth deptartment there and how close the teens in the youth department were. Praise the Lord for the ministry Brett Denham has at that church. He played the role of young scrooge in the school play this year.
Peter is a freshman and is keeping busy as the Varsity Basketball manager. He enjoys technolgy stuff like Paul and Rusty. He received a puppet for Christmas and is enjoying playing with him. He desires to be a camp director and is doing what he can to prepare himself for the ministry. Peter was also in the school play and played several minor roles including the part of "getting engaged" to the boss' daughter. (I guess it won't be too many years and our boys will be getting engaged.) Peter is one of the happiest, most friendly young men you will ever meet.
Andrew is now in 7th grade. He is showing us that he will be the largest of our boys. He is only 1/2 inch shorter than Peter and 1 inch shorter than Tim. He will be taller and broader than the other boys. He loves to work with his puppet and enjoys drama. He does well in math and with computers. While more on the shy side like Paul, Andrew is a teddy bear of a young man and has a very loving and caring side. He watches out for others and hates to see anyone hurt. He would never purposily hurt anyone.
Arrena Jeanette is now in 4th grade and takes after Paul in being a star student and bookworm. She loves a variety of things such as scrapbooking, crafts, reading, and playing the piano. She has been letting her hair grow out for the past couple years and is happy that it is now down to her waist. Granted it is as straight as a pin and thin, but she enjoys having it long. She loves to have it french braided or have a spider web headband. Arrena could talk your leg off if allowed to. She loves stories whether it be to listen to them via dvd or cd or to read a book. She loves to get into stories and feel a part of another timeperiod or world. She is loving and every bit all GIRL! Definitely NOT a tomboy even though she has four brothers!
Rusty and I always keep busy. Between our jobs, church, our embroidery business, and five children our life is definitely not boring.
We praise the Lord for the provisions of this past year.
- We have watched as our children have grown and matured.
- Our health has all been good and we have had all our needs met.
- Paul graduated high school.
- God protected Timothy through a terrible car accident that should have killed him.
- Paul has one semester of college under his belt.
- The children continue to attend Christian school.
- Our parents are healthy and still able to take care of themselves.
- We have children that desire to honor, serve and please our God.
God is good and on the throne! We praise the Lord for His working in our lives and pray that He will continue to work in our lives this next year.
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