Happy 19th Birthday, Paul!
This blog basically focuses on our family and the things we are doing. Because Kids 4 Truth International(www.kids4truth.com)is a big part of our lives you will find many posts and activities that we are working on in conjunction with Kids 4 Truth.
Today is Timothy's 17th birthday. It is difficult for me to believe that he is already 17...as it seems like only yesterday that he was born.
Timothy has a fun-loving personality. He loves to joke and have fun. Sometimes he is extremely wacky in his behavior and other days he is very emotional (kinda like his momma I guess.) He will try almost any activity.
Timothy loves to minister to children and has a real talent doing so. He seems to know how to get their attention and keep it as he preaches or teaches a Bible lesson.
Happy Birthday, Timothy. Daddy and I are very proud of you!