Thursday, August 31, 2006

Wonderful News!

I just received the most wonderful news and I am literally busting to tell you all! God has answered some of our prayers regarding Timothy’s accident.

The insurance company just called me. They have made a very rare ruling in our case. They have determined that there is more than sufficient evidence that this accident was a “NOT at fault accident.” However, because there is not another vehicle and because they do not want us to have difficulty by them not paying the claim from the driver Timothy hit…they will pay for the damages and medical expenses of the driver Timothy hit. However, they are listing the accident as a “NOT at fault accident” which means Timothy’s insurance rates will NOT go up.

They said that it is extremely rare for them to make a ruling like this. However, they cannot deny the physical evidence on the car and the photos they took definitely show this evidence. The insurance adjuster in charge of the case said the onsite adjuster called her up telling her she “had to see” these photos…”this kid was definitely hit by another vehicle”. They took the evidence of both testimony and photos to the managers who ruled in Timothy’s favor.

They have advised and recommended several things:
That Timothy is told that this accident was NOT his fault – there is more than sufficient evidence that someone definitely hit Timothy causing him to lose control of the suburban.
That we should definitely get a lawyer to fight Timothy’s ticket.
And…that they will provide a written testimony from the insurance adjuster that there is evidence that Timothy was hit.
And…that they will provide photos that they took to the lawyer to back up their statements.
And…that they will support us with testimony or whatever we need in fighting this (short of funds of course.)

Please continue to pray:
That we find a lawyer.
That we will know what to say and do regarding the ticket.
That God will continue to “do the impossible” regarding finances this wreck has caused.

Thank you for your prayers.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Paul settles in at BJU

Paul arrived at college yesterday afternoon and immediately began unpacking. He is rooming with a lifelong friend, Tyler Dowland, and the RA for his floor, Peter Warde. I guess Paul won't have trouble remembering Peter's name:-)

Paul has meetings today revolving around working on campus. He meets first with his supervisor and then with the general workers on campus meeting.

He is learning where everything is on campus, when meals are served, etc.

As you see...he looks very happy and is getting settled nicely.

Paul, we are praying for you.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Paul leaves for BJU is hard to believe that the summer is over and it is already time to say "good bye" to Paul. Actually, it is hard to believe that Paul has been with us for 18.5 years and is off to college already. Where did the years go? The last I remember he was laying on my chest, standing on my lap, and standing in his walker (his favorite as a baby). Now, he is a grown man...and off to prepare to serve the Lord!

Paul & Marilyn Hays were gracious and kind to rent a van and take a group of 5 college students to BJU. Paul has a seat to himself as he is the only guy besides Paul Hays on the van:-) The van was absolutely packed to the ceiling and the kids don't have much room to move around...but everything fit!

Our dearest Paul, we are so proud of the young man God has graciously allowed you to become. We are humbled to see your servant's spirit, loving heart, and tenderness to God's leading in your life. Remember your promise to me to allow God to work in your life while you are away from us. You know that has always been my rule and will remain my rule until the day I meet my Savior face to face. Study hard, give your best to our Lord, get involved in a local church, take time to enjoy college life, and e-mail or call often. We love you dearly and look forward to seeing you in a few short months.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Momma's got a new ride

Well...I guess it is obvious that we needed a new car after Friday night. Saturday the Lord led us to a "new to us car". We were able to purchase a 1999 Astro Van to replace the suburban. I have driven it to the airport twice this week so it has received quite the workout.

So far...I like it. It seems to have room for everyone plus the things we need to take with us. The previous owners did a nice job of taking care of the car both inside and outside and added many extra features like remote door locks and starters. While these are not necessarily items we looked for when looking for a car they are neat features to have. I am enjoying driving around in a "little smaller" vehicle.

Peter has taken on the responsibility of transferring the 40 gallons of gasoline out of the suburban and into the other three cars. This has been a slow process for him and he has been bitten by many bugs in the process. Thank you, Peter, for doing your part!

So...we are calling this "Momma's car". Timothy has claimed the GEO as Paul will be going away to college next Thursday. Rusty has the fiero...which only he can drive (someday, I must learn to drive that car!) The Astro Van has been getting about 16.9 miles per gallon of gas which is much better than the 11 miles per gallon that the suburban was getting.

Monday, August 14, 2006

God's protection over Timothy!

We praise the Lord for His protection over Timothy. Friday at 11:15 pm Timothy was coming home on I70 when the suburban went out of control and struck the concrete barrier dividing east and west bound traffic squarely head on and then slid around 180 degrees to face sideways on the interstate. It was a scary ride for Timothy and it is hard to believe that Timothy came out of this accident with only minor bruising to his face (where he hit the steering wheel), a bruised shoulder, sore neck and shoulder muscles, and a couple small cuts on the knee.

Timothy couldn't believe it when the police officer asked him if he had his seatbelt on as he doesn't think he would be alive if he hadn't had his seatbelt on.

The more we see the car (yes, it is sitting in the driveway), look at photos, or talk to people about the accident the more grateful and thankful we are to God. We know that Timothy's life was spared on Friday night. God has something special for Timothy to do and it was not his time to go home. For that, we thank and praise God.

At this time we do not really know what happened. The damage and marking on the car to the initial area where the car was hit does not measure up with the conclusion that was decided upon on Friday night in the dark. Therefore, we do not know what will be the outcome of this wreck as at this time only God really knows what happened on I70 between the three cars/trucks that were in that area. We pray that the insurance, police, and cameras that record highway activity will be able to determine what really happened. Please pray for us as this is resolved. If Timothy was not the cause for this accident, please pray that the ticket will be dropped.

If you happen by I70 and the 291 will still find black tire rubber on the concrete barrier. As you see that, please remember to thank God for not only Timothy's life but also the lives of those you love. Take a few extra minutes to Thank God for those He has placed in your life: family, friends, work associates, and neighbors. Take the time to share God's Gift of Salvation to your loved ones and neighbors. You never know when your last opportunity to share the TRUTH of God's Word will be.