Thursday, September 21, 2006

New Door and Windows

We are making progress on the outside of the building. Tuesday, September 19 was a noisey one around the office as we received our new door and windows.

Our next steps will be the electrician for the outdoor lighting and the stucco. It is exciting to watch everything come together to make this building a sharp representation of our ministry.

Bob mentioned in his blog that the best changes happen from the inside out. I have thought about this statement over and over for the past few weeks...and it is very true. In our Christian we allow the Lord to change us - change our heart, mind, thoughts, and actions - we become more pleasing and beautiful. I am not speaking of an outward beauty but of the inward beauty. However, how often does that inward beauty reflect on the outside...we begin to smile more, we are at peace with God and others, the worry and concern that showed upon our face before...has changed to a peace and contentment. I know that I want my life to reflect Christ in it...from the inside out!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

20 Wonderful Years!

Today Rusty and I are celebrating our 20th wedding anniversary. It has been a wonderful 20 years and I look forward to at least 40 more years with Rusty.

Last night I spent a few minutes looking through the wedding albumn and shared some photos today with those in the office. It was neat to think back to our wedding day. I thought you might want to see a couple photos from our special day.

God has been so good to us by blessing us in so many ways. He has given us five wonderful children who love and desire to serve Him. He has provided a house, vehicles, and every financial need we have had. We have never been without a meal and although it has been tight at times the bills have always been paid on time.

So today I am praising God for what He has done for us. For the blessing, joy & happiness of giving me Rusty and our family.

Rusty, my love, I praise God for giving you to me. I love you dearly and am so happy that we have each other.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

1st Annual Executive BrainBurner Retreat

Imagine this...6 of the 8 team members sitting around each holding a laptop and making plans for the K4T ministry. The backdrop is a beautiful lake, and most sessions take place on a beautiful screened in deck. The team has a unified purpose of determining what God has for the K4T ministry. Each member ensuring that plans are in line with our mission statement.

For some time we have talked of an executive team retreat. A time for us to reflect on where we have been, what we are doing, plan for the future, a time to build closer friendships, and a time to relax. Unfortunately, two of our members were unable to attend, but rest assured we will provide them with detailed notes and updates. They were missed, but we all understood why they could not attend.

We want to thank our hosts for the weekend: Dennis & Stella Gillen. They graciously opened and welcomed us into their house, provided refreshments, lunch, and provided some much needed relaxation and fun yesterday afternoon.

The weekend began on Friday evening as we departed Blue Springs and headed to the lake (a short 3 hour trip away). We stopped along the way in Sedelia for supper and were provided with an icecream social when we arrived at the Gillens. Then we had the first of five brainstorm sessions. (The first session each day began with a devotional by Bob and time to discuss the scriptures together and pray that God would use it in our lives. What a wonderful privilege it was to open God's Word together and apply it to our lives and ministry.)

Saturday we had sessions from 9 to 3 pm breaking for a short lunch break of grilled hamburgers with the works. Then it was time for some fun on the lake. We won't post photos of the lake, but we will say there was a lot of fun and excitement. I tried several new things like kneeboarding, jet sking, and tubing. I enjoyed it all...and have the battle scars, sore muscles, photos, and two movies to prove it to our children. We concluded the day with a Version 1 Celebration Dinner at Michaels on the Lake. What a beautiful night to celebrate together what God has done this past year.

Today it was raining so we moved our sessions indoors. We all sat around the dining room table with laptops and cords everywhere. We began sessions at 9 am with a Bible Study together. We met until 12:30 when we broke for lunch. We took our hosts out to lunch at their favorite restaurant and then resumed our sessions at 2:15....and met until about 4:30ish. We quickly packed the vans and were on our way home. We arrived back in KC about 8:30 this evening.

We praise the Lord for the progress that was made this weekend. Everyone has set goals to be working on and a renewed focus of their role in meeting our goals and objectives for the year. We have determined that it is important for us to get away and focus on the ministry this way and that we will definitely plan to make this an annual event.

Timothy, Peter, Andrew, and Arrena: thank you for understanding the importance of this retreat and for being responsible enough for daddy and I to leave you for the weekend. We love you greatly and are proud of each of you.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Refacing Work Begins

Saturday the physical work began on the refacing of the Kids 4 Truth Office.

We would like to take a minute to thank Dennis Gillen, Dennis Hodges, Brian Bear, and Rob Gillen the office looks so much different than it did on Friday night when we left. The outside already looks better and we are excited to see the "new look".

Watch in the coming days & weeks for more updates. It is exciting to see the K4T look/feel coming to the outside of the building.

TCCS resumes

The kids went back to school this morning. For the first year...Paul was not with them and I was not taking them. Timothy drove them all in the "teenager's car".

Timothy is a junior this year. He plans to be a teacher's cadet for Pastor Kevin Williams, and has a full schedule with school, volunteer work for K4T, and work. He will be on the Senior High Bible Quiz team as he met his goal and has his verses memorized on time.

Peter is already a freshman! How did my "little Peter" grow up so fast. Peter should also make the Senior High Bible Quiz team today. He also met the goal of having that completed today.

Andrew is now in 7th grade and looking forward to junior high this year. He has matured so much this year. He is a personality mix of both Timothy and Peter.

Arrena Jeanette is already in 4th grade. I went by her classroom this morning...and she already had her morning work completed before school even started! Her teacher was pleasantly pleased. She was sitting there reading one of her textbooks. She is looking forward to completing in MAACS regional competition this year. She plans to enter in piano, Bible Quizzing, and several accedemic areas.